It's a round trip. Getting to the summit is optional, getting down is mandatory.
Ed Viesturs

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

23 May 2010 Ardmore Bay.

As the forecast for this weekend was for sunny days, high temperatures and light winds we planned a mornings kayaking around the cliffs of Ardmore. We wanted to visit the wreck of the Samson which was blown up on the rocks just outside Ardmore bay in the winter of 1987. Also on our list of things to see was a Manitu loadall which fell into the sea from the top of the cliffs recently. It was fore-casted to be the hottest day of the year so far and they didn't get it wrong.
Ardmore Bay early on a quite sunny Sunday morning.

Making sure all the gear is packed.

Our first sight of the crane called Samson.

Having a closer look, there was also some large caves behind the wreck.

We weren't the only visitors that morning, the local lift boat crew also stopped by for a brief look.

This was where a local teenager managed to drop a car and a Manitu into the sea, If you look closely you can see the gap in the ditch where the car came through the ditch. The story goes that the young fellow was driving a car around a field at the top of the cliff and lost control and stopped it on the edge of the cliff, after failing to get the car out he decided to pull it out with a Manitu. Unfortunately in all the excitment he managed to drop the Manitu and the car over the cliff into the sea below, no one was injured. We could make out the wheels of the Manitu about 3 meters under the water.

Exploring the caves.

Discussing what to do next.

Some more snorkeling

Wild Life.

One of the highlights of the trip.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

01 May 2010 River Licky

With a high tide and a nice forecast I decided to start the month of May with a short paddle up the river Licky. I would be launching from Ballynaclash quay just outside the Village of Clashmore in Co Waterford. I timed my arrival perfectly and entered the river blackwater around one hour before the tide was fully in. It was a easy paddle up river with plenty of bird like to keep me company.
The first section of the Licky is through large Reed beds and was full of bird life, after the reeds the river narrows and you have to make your way around a lot of over hanging branches.

 It's still a bit dark to photograph any detail from a moving Kayak, there really was a nice sky.

The banks get a little close and the going gets a little slower

Entering the reeds as the river Licky widens.

Entering the river Blackwater on the way back.

The friendly local sheep dog. 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

26 April 2010 Ballyduff to Cappoquin.

A small group of us took a trip on the Blackwater from Ballyduff to Cappoquin, the weather was lovely with very little wind to delay our canoeist. The trip would take around two hours and would take us over a small weir at Lismore and also past Lismore castle. The small weir would be the highlight of the trip as it can throw up a few surprises from time to time.
Thankfully we all made over the weir at Lismore even though a large wirlpool on the far side nearly got a few of us. We stopped to take in the beauty of Lismore castle and to have our afternoon tea. Leaving Lismore you meet some fast water and care should be taken to avoid any unnesscessary wettings. Also when you meet an Island make sure you go to the right as it's quite shallow on the left as one of our lads found out. After the fast water it's a gentle paddle to Cappoquin provided your not paddling against the tide as it can be quite strong, we were very lucky and just got he tide turning.

The Crew.

Unusual traffic on the river.

The weir at Lismore, looks smaller than it is.

The beautiful Lismore castle.

Afternoon tea with the Castle in the back ground.

The Run to the Finish.

14 April 2010 Knockadoon

As the weather had picked up during the week we decided to go on a short coastal trip, launching at the peir in Knockadoon. Conditions were on the choppy side to I was glad I brought my Ocean Kayak Caper, which is a very stable boat and handle the conditions easily. The conditions also meant there wasn't a lot of photos taken as I didn't want to take a chance with my camera. We were on the water for around 2 hours but greatly enjoyed the trip.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

12 April 2010 Ocean Kayak Torque.

On a lovely spring afternoon at Youghal quay we had a demo of the new Ocean Kayak Torque which is largely aimed at anglers. The boat was kindly given to us by our local Kayak shop, Canoe and Kayak Store Youghal. It was a beautiful afternoon and the boat handled the flat conditions very well as you would expect. The boat is propelled along by a electric motor which is driven by a large battery. It was a nice day for a paddle and we all enjoyed the afternoon.

Information on the boat can be found at the below link.