Ardmore Bay early on a quite sunny Sunday morning.
Making sure all the gear is packed.
Our first sight of the crane called Samson.
Having a closer look, there was also some large caves behind the wreck.
We weren't the only visitors that morning, the local lift boat crew also stopped by for a brief look.
This was where a local teenager managed to drop a car and a Manitu into the sea, If you look closely you can see the gap in the ditch where the car came through the ditch. The story goes that the young fellow was driving a car around a field at the top of the cliff and lost control and stopped it on the edge of the cliff, after failing to get the car out he decided to pull it out with a Manitu. Unfortunately in all the excitment he managed to drop the Manitu and the car over the cliff into the sea below, no one was injured. We could make out the wheels of the Manitu about 3 meters under the water.
Exploring the caves.
Discussing what to do next.
Some more snorkeling
Wild Life.
One of the highlights of the trip.
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